by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Exercise Wellness, Natural Solutions
We all need to exercise; even frail older folks benefit!1 It strengthens the heart and muscles, boost immune function, improves mental health, lowers stress, lowers your risk of just about every disease and will help you live a longer, happier life. In fact, there...
by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Health Education, Natural Solutions
When you sleep you are giving your body the rest and repair it needs. Your brain and body work non-stop throughout the day and they need a break about every 16 hours. The break is what we call sleep. It’s not the same as resting, as we all know. Resting is...
by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Health Education, Natural Solutions
The Acai Palm Tree is native to Central and South America. It grows a red-purple berry, of course called an acai berry, which is in the same family as blueberries and cranberries. For many years retailers have been selling it in various forms as a health promoter. ...