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Best Multivitamin – Reasonable Price

worlds best multivitaminAs a nutritionist, let me tell you about one of my favorite supplements.  But first, we must consider, WHERE you get those vitamins from. The best multivitamin should meet the following criteria:

  • All natural
  • Organic
  • Sourced from real food
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free
  • No fillers

Now, as to which vitamins you should take, the answer is “all of them.”  But that’s not the whole answer.  Vitamins function by providing the body with nutrients that it cannot make.  At the same time, they are essential for a myriad of chemical reactions that are required for life.  There are also many benefits to additional nutrients that are not classified as vitamins but are important for optimal health.  The best combination I have ever come across can be found in one particular product that I recommend above all others!  You’ll find it at the left.  Each ingredient, along with a brief explanation in this formula follows:

Here are a List of the Vitamins You Should Take. ALL of which are in My Favorite, and the Best Multivitamin!

Vitamin A as beta carotene from D. Salina

Vitamin A, particularly in the form of beta-carotene derived from the microalgae D. salina, offers a multitude of health benefits.  This is definitely a vitamin you should take. Beta-carotene serves as a potent antioxidant, helping to combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and certain cancers. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal vision.  It does so by supporting the health of the retina and preventing night blindness.

Beyond its ocular benefits, vitamin A is essential for a robust immune system. It boost immunity by aiding in the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms. Additionally, it promotes healthy skin by stimulating cell production and collagen synthesis, contributing to a youthful complexion. Moreover, beta-carotene protects the skin against the sun, reducing the risk of UV-induced skin damage and premature aging. Overall, incorporating vitamin A, particularly from D. salina’s beta-carotene source, into one’s diet can lead to improved vision, skin health, immune function, and overall well-being.

Vitamin C from acerola cherry

Vitamin C, obtained from acerola cherry, is a powerhouse nutrient with a wide range of health benefits. Known for its exceptional antioxidant bnefits, it plays a crucial role in neutralizing harmful free radicals.  This reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and supporting overall health. Acerola cherry’s vitamin C is renowned for its ability to boost the immune system.  It aides in the production of white blood cells and enhancing the body’s defense against infections., it promotes skin health by stimulating collagen production, resulting in a more youthful complexion and faster wound healing. Essential for maintaining healthy gums and teeth and capable of alleviating the symptoms of gum diseases, vitamin C also enhances the absorption of iron from plant-based sources, making it a vital nutrient for vegetarians and vegans. Incorporating vitamin C from acerola cherry into your diet can lead to improved health.  It boosts immunity, skin vitality, dental health, and overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to the vitamins you should take for a balanced diet.

Vitamin D3 as cholecalciferol from lichen

Vitamin D, specifically in the form of cholecalciferol sourced from lichen, offers a myriad of health benefits. This unique plant-based vitamin D is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. One of its primary functions is promoting the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, critical for strong bones and teeth. Cholecalciferol plays a pivotal role in preventing conditions like osteoporosis and rickets, ensuring optimal skeletal health. Beyond its skeletal benefits, vitamin D is associated with a strong immune system.  The immune system wards off infections and reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases.

It also contributes to mood regulation, with adequate levels of vitamin D being linked to a reduced risk of depression and improved mental well-being. Moreover, this form of vitamin D has been linked to cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Incorporating vitamin D from lichen into one’s diet or through supplements can lead to stronger bones, enhanced immunity, improved mood, and better cardiovascular health, making it an essential nutrient for overall vitality.  Thus, vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins you should take.

Vitamin E from rice bran

Vitamin E, derived from rice bran, is a valuable nutrient with a host of health benefits. This natural source of vitamin E provides potent antioxidant benefits.  This safeguards cells and tissues from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.  In turn, the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer go down. Rice bran-derived vitamin E also plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin by promoting skin cell regeneration and protecting against UV-induced damage, contributing to a youthful complexion and preventing premature aging.

Moreover, vitamin E supports a robust immune system by enhancing the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases. It also aids in improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of blood clot formation, benefiting cardiovascular health. Additionally, vitamin E improves cognitive health, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. When considering vitamins you should take, incorporating vitamin E from rice bran into your diet can lead to improved skin health, enhanced immunity, better cardiovascular function, and cognitive benefits, making it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Thiamin as benfotiamine

Benfotiamine, a synthetic derivative of thiamin (vitamin B1), offers unique health benefits due to its enhanced bioavailability and cellular penetration. Particularly crucial for maintaining healthy nerve function, it shows promise in managing diabetic neuropathy by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in nerve cells. Additionally, benfotiamine aids in glucose and fatty acid metabolism, promoting increased energy levels and overall vitality. It supports cardiovascular health by regulating blood flow and heart function. Its ability to manage chronic conditions like diabetes makes it a valuable addition to one’s health regimen, addressing concerns related to nerve health, energy production, and metabolic well-being. When considering vitamins you should take, benfotiamine is certainly worth exploring.

Riboflavin from guava

Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, sourced from guava, offers a wealth of health benefits. Guava is a nutrient-rich tropical fruit that provides an abundant source of riboflavin. This is another of the essential vitamins you should take.  It plays a crucial role in energy metabolism, helping the body convert carbohydrates into usable energy, thereby promoting overall vitality. Riboflavin also supports the health of the skin, eyes, and nerve functions, contributing to a youthful complexion and good vision. Moreover, it is involved in the production of red blood cells and aids in the maintenance of healthy mucous membranes. Guava’s riboflavin content is particularly beneficial for those seeking to boost their energy levels, improve skin health, and support overall well-being. Incorporating guava into one’s diet can be a delicious way to obtain this essential vitamin and enjoy its numerous health advantages.

Niacin as niacinamide

Niacin, in the form of niacinamide (or nicotinamide), offers a range of essential health benefits. Niacinamide is a variant of vitamin B3 and is involved in numerous bodily functions. It plays a pivotal role in supporting the body’s metabolism by helping convert food into energy and maintaining healthy levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Additionally, niacinamide is renowned for its positive impact on skin health.  It can improve the appearance of fine lines, reduce redness, and even out skin tone, making it a popular ingredient in skincare products.  It is thus one of the vitamins you should take for skin health.

Furthermore, niacinamide’s contribution to the maintenance of healthy nerve function and support for DNA repair highlight its importance among the vitamins you should take for overall well-being. Its prowess in managing certain skin conditions and promoting metabolic health makes niacinamide a valuable addition to both skincare routines and general health supplementation.

Vitamin B6 as pyridoxal 5′ phosphate (P-5-P)

Vitamin B6, specifically in the form of pyridoxal 5-phosphate (P-5-P), provides a range of essential health benefits. P-5-P is the active and readily usable form of vitamin B6 in the body.  This make it highly effective in various bodily functions. It plays a critical role in amino acid metabolism, aiding in the breakdown and utilization of proteins, which is crucial for muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall vitality.

Additionally, P-5-P is involved in neurotransmitter production, supporting a healthy nervous system and contributing to mood regulation. It is also essential for the formation of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for carrying oxygen in red blood cells, thereby promoting cardiovascular health. Furthermore, P-5-P is known for its potential in reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and supporting cognitive function. Incorporating vitamin B6 as P-5-P into one’s diet or as a supplement can lead to improved protein metabolism, enhanced nervous system function, better mood regulation, and overall well-being, making it a vital nutrient for various aspects of health.

Folate as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate

Folate, particularly in the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), plays a critical role in numerous essential functions within the body. 5-MTHF is the biologically active form of folate, making it highly effective in various physiological processes. It is crucial for DNA synthesis and repair, making it essential for cell division and growth. Additionally, 5-MTHF is particularly important during pregnancy as it supports fetal development and reduces the risk of neural tube defects.

Folate also contributes to cardiovascular health by regulating homocysteine levels, which can affect heart health if elevated. Furthermore, it supports the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which plays a role in mood regulation. Incorporating folate as 5-MTHF into one’s diet or through supplements can lead to improved cell growth and repair, a reduced risk of birth defects, better cardiovascular health, and mood benefits, making it a crucial nutrient for overall well-being and vitality.  There are so many reasons folate as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate is one of the vitamins you should take every day.

Vitamin B12 as methyl-cobalamin

Vitamin B12, specifically in the form of methylcobalamin, is the form of this vitamin you should take.  It an essential nutrient with a wide range of health benefits. Methylcobalamin is the active and natural form of vitamin B12, making it highly bioavailable and effective in various bodily functions. It plays a crucial role in the production of DNA and RNA, which is essential for cell growth and division. Additionally, methylcobalamin is vital for maintaining healthy nerve cells and the proper functioning of the nervous system.  This can help prevent nerve damage and conditions like peripheral neuropathy.

It also contributes to red blood cell formation, aiding in the prevention of anemia and promoting optimal oxygen transport in the body. Moreover, methylcobalamin is involved in energy metabolism, helping convert food into energy, which can lead to increased vitality. Incorporating vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin into one’s diet or through supplements can lead to improved cell growth, better nerve health, increased energy levels, and overall well-being.  This makes it a crucial nutrient for maintaining optimal health and vitality.


Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a water-soluble nutrient that offers a wide range of health benefits. It is particularly renowned for its role in promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails by supporting the synthesis of keratin, a key structural protein. This is why it is arguably the most important of the vitamins you should take for skin, hair and nails.  Beyond its cosmetic advantages, biotin plays a critical role in energy metabolism, aiding in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for efficient energy production. It also contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system by facilitating neurotransmitter production. During pregnancy, biotin is essential for fetal development. While biotin deficiency is rare, incorporating biotin-rich foods like eggs and nuts into your diet or taking supplements can ensure you reap the diverse benefits of this important vitamin.

Pantothenic acid as calcium pantothenate

Pantothenic acid, commonly found in the form of calcium pantothenate, is a crucial B-vitamin with various health benefits. It plays an integral role in energy metabolism by aiding in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  This is essential in ensuring the efficient production of energy for the body’s functions. Additionally, pantothenic acid is essential for the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, and acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning processes.

This vitamin also contributes to the formation of red blood cells and supports healthy skin, which is why it’s often included in skincare products. As a vital component of coenzyme A, pantothenic acid participates in numerous enzymatic reactions throughout the body, making it an indispensible vitamin you should take for overall health and vitality. Incorporating calcium pantothenate into your diet or as a supplement can help ensure you receive the many benefits of this essential nutrient.  Pantothenic acid is one of the unsung vitamins you should take for maximum health.

Choline from sunflower

Choline derived from sunflower sources is a valuable nutrient with diverse health benefits. Although not a vitamin or mineral, it is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in various bodily functions. It is a key component of cell membranes and is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, which is vital for brain function, memory, and learning. Choline also contributes to the transport of lipids, supporting healthy liver function and potentially preventing liver diseases. Moreover, choline is essential for fetal development, particularly in the formation of the brain and nervous system, making it crucial during pregnancy. Obtaining choline from sunflower-derived sources can contribute to cognitive health, liver function, and overall well-being. Incorporating choline-rich foods like sunflower seeds into your diet can help ensure you receive the benefits of this essential nutrient for for your brain, liver, and/or developing child.

Calcium from algae

Calcium sourced from algae is a natural and plant-based way to obtain this vital mineral, offering a range of health benefits. This mineral is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, making it crucial for overall skeletal health. Algae-derived calcium is highly bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body, ensuring effective utilization. Beyond its role in bone health, calcium also plays a significant role in muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. Adequate calcium intake can help prevent conditions like osteoporosis and maintain healthy blood pressure levels. When considering vitamins you should take, calcium from algae is a valuable addition to support robust bone health, proper muscle and nerve function, and overall cardiovascular well-being, making it an important nutrient for maintaining optimal health and vitality.

Iron as ferrous fumerate

Iron, typically in the form of ferrous fumarate, is an essential mineral with a wide range of health benefits. It plays a pivotal role in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body. Adequate iron levels are crucial for preventing and treating iron-deficiency anemia, which can lead to fatigue, weakness, and reduced stamina. Iron also supports energy production and overall vitality by aiding in the utilization of oxygen for metabolic processes.

It is particularly important for individuals at risk of iron deficiency, such as pregnant women and those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it helps prevent iron-related health issues. Incorporating iron as ferrous fumarate into your diet or through supplements, when recommended by a healthcare professional, can lead to improved energy levels, enhanced oxygen transport, and overall well-being, making it a vital mineral for maintaining optimal health.

Phosphorus as dicalcium phosphate

Dicalcium phosphate is a compound commonly used as a dietary supplement to provide phosphorus, a vital mineral with various health benefits. Phosphorus is essential for a range of bodily functions, primarily recognized for its key role in maintaining strong bones and teeth by working in tandem with calcium. It is also integral to the formation and stability of DNA and RNA, crucial for cell growth and repair. Phosphorus is involved in energy metabolism, facilitating the conversion of food into energy, which supports overall vitality. Additionally, it plays a role in maintaining proper kidney function, nerve transmission, and muscle contractions. When considering vitamins and minerals you should take, phosphorus from dicalcium phosphate is a valuable addition to support robust skeletal health, energy production, and overall well-being, making it an essential dietary component in your life.

Iodine from kelp

Iodine obtained from kelp is a natural and rich source of this essential trace mineral, offering various health benefits. It plays a crucial role in maintaining thyroid health by being an integral component of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and support proper growth and development. Adequate iodine intake is essential to prevent thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and goiter, as well as ensure healthy hormone production. Iodine also supports cognitive function and is particularly crucial during pregnancy for the proper brain development of the fetus. Kelp-derived iodine is a natural and sustainable source, often used as a dietary supplement to help individuals meet their iodine needs. Incorporating iodine from kelp into your diet can contribute to thyroid health, cognitive function, and overall well-being, making it a valuable nutrient for maintaining an optimal you.

Magnesium from algae

Magnesium sourced from algae is a natural and highly bioavailable form of this essential mineral, offering a range of health benefits. This mineral plays a pivotal role in muscle and nerve function, heart health, and bone strength, as well as aiding in the absorption of calcium. It is known to alleviate symptoms of conditions like migraines, muscle cramps, and anxiety.  At the same time, it also helping manage blood sugar levels and improve sleep quality. Algae-derived magnesium provides a sustainable and efficient source of this crucial nutrient, making it a valuable addition to one’s diet or supplement regimen to support health and wellness.

Zinc as amino acid chelate

Zinc in the form of amino acid chelate is a highly absorbable and well-tolerated source of this essential mineral, offering a multitude of health benefits. It plays a crucial role in immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. It is an antioxidant, helping to combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Zinc is also essential for maintaining proper sense of taste and smell, and it supports skin health by aiding in the production of collagen. Moreover, zinc contributes to reproductive health and fertility. Amino acid chelate forms of zinc are gentle on the stomach and easily absorbed by the body.  This makes them an ideal choice for supplementation. Incorporating zinc as amino acid chelate into your diet or supplements can lead to improved immune function, enhanced wound healing, better skin health, and overall well-being, making it a must-have for your diet.

Selenium as L-selenomethionine

Selenium in the form of L-selenomethionine is a highly bioavailable source of this essential trace mineral, offering various health benefits. It is a potent antioxidant that plays a vital role in protecting cells from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health. It is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system and may help prevent infections and illnesses. Selenium is also essential for proper thyroid function, as it is a component of thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Additionally, it supports reproductive health and may reduce the risk of certain cancers. L-selenomethionine is well-absorbed by the body, making it an efficient choice for supplementation. Incorporating selenium as L-selenomethionine into your diet or supplements can contribute to improved immune function, thyroid health, reproductive health, and overall well-being, making it a valuable nutrient for maintaining optimal health and vitality.

Copper as amino acid chelate

Copper in the form of amino acid chelate is a highly bioavailable and easily absorbed source of this essential trace mineral, offering a range of health benefits. It is involved in numerous critical bodily functions, including the formation of red blood cells, energy production, and the maintenance of healthy bones and connective tissues. It also contains powerful antioxidant benefits, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Copper supports proper brain function and aids in the absorption of iron from the diet, contributing to overall vitality. Amino acid chelate forms of copper are gentle on the stomach and efficient for absorption, making them an ideal choice for supplementation. Incorporating copper as amino acid chelate into your diet or supplements can lead to improved red blood cell formation, energy production, and overall well-being.

Manganese as sulfate

Manganese in the form of manganese sulfate is an essential mineral with a range of health benefits. This trace mineral plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, primarily as a cofactor for numerous enzymes involved in metabolism. It contributes to the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, and cholesterol, supporting energy production and overall vitality. Manganese is also crucial for proper bone formation and maintenance, as well as for the formation of connective tissues like tendons and cartilage. Additionally, it adds antioxidant benefits, helping to protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. While manganese deficiency is relatively rare, incorporating manganese as manganese sulfate into your diet or supplements can contribute to improved metabolic function, skeletal health, and overall well-being, making it a valuable nutrient for you and your health.

Chromium as picolinate

Chromium in the form of chromium picolinate is a highly bioavailable and widely recognized source of this essential trace mineral, offering a range of health benefits.  It is known for its role in enhancing insulin sensitivity and promoting stable blood sugar levels. This makes it valuable for individuals with diabetes or those seeking to support healthy glucose metabolism. Chromium also aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, contributing to energy production and overall vitality. Additionally, it plays a role in promoting lean muscle mass and weight management by assisting in the transportation of glucose into cells for energy. Chromium picolinate is efficiently absorbed by the body, making it a popular choice for supplementation. Incorporating chromium as chromium picolinate into your diet or supplements can lead to improved blood sugar regulation and enhanced metabolism.  It is a necessity for the healthest you.

Molybdenum from krebs complex

Molybdenum, especially in the form of the Krebs complex, offers essential health benefits. It is a trace mineral that serves as a cofactor for enzymes involved in detoxification processes in the body.  This is particularly the case in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids and the breakdown of certain other compounds. This supports the elimination of potentially harmful substances from the body, contributing to overall well-being. Molybdenum is also essential for the production of uric acid, which aids in antioxidant defense and may reduce oxidative stress. While molybdenum deficiency is rare, incorporating molybdenum from the Krebs complex into your diet or supplements can help ensure efficient detoxification processes and optimal overall health, making it invaluable to your health.

Potassium as chloride

Potassium, often in the form of potassium chloride, is a vital mineral with a range of essential health benefits. It is crucial for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body, regulating blood pressure, and supporting healthy heart function. Potassium plays a pivotal role in muscle contractions, including those of the heart.  Thus, it helps maintain a steady heartbeat and overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, it aids in nerve transmission and promotes proper kidney function. Of course, this assists in the elimination of waste products from the body. Potassium is also essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein, contributing to overall vitality. Incorporating potassium as potassium chloride into your diet or through supplements can lead to improved blood pressure regulation, cardiovascular health, muscle function, and overall well-being, making it a valuable mineral for maintaining optimal health and vitality.

Beet root

Beetroot, rich in dietary nitrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offers a wide array of health benefits. Consuming beetroot, whether as a whole vegetable or in supplement form, can promote cardiovascular health by helping regulate blood pressure through nitric oxide production, improve digestion and weight management with its high fiber content, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases through its antioxidant benefits. Additionally, beetroot has been linked to enhanced athletic performance by enhancing muscle oxygen utilization, potentially leading to increased endurance and stamina. Incorporating beetroot is something worth considering because of the many health benefits it provides.

Carrot root

Carrot root, a nutrient-rich vegetable, provides an array of health benefits. Carrots are renowned for their high content of beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant that the body can convert into vitamin A, crucial for maintaining healthy vision, especially in low-light conditions. Carrots also contain fiber, which supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. The antioxidants in carrots help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer. Furthermore, the vitamins and minerals in carrots, such as vitamin K, potassium, and biotin, contribute to overall well-being. Including carrots in your diet can lead to improved eye health, better digestion, enhanced antioxidant benefits, and an overall healthier you.

Black currant fruit

Black currant fruit is a nutritional powerhouse that offers numerous health benefits. These dark, tangy berries are exceptionally rich in vitamin C.  Vitamin C gives you an immune system boost and supports collagen production for healthy skin. They are also loaded with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Black currants are a great source of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health and assisting in weight management.

Moreover, they contain vitamins like vitamin K and essential minerals such as manganese, contributing to overall well-being. The high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in black currants is associated with reduced inflammation.  This may alleviate symptoms of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Incorporating black currant fruit into your diet or as a supplement can lead to improved immunity, better skin health, reduced inflammation, and overall vitality, making it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Blueberry fruit

Blueberry fruit is a nutritional powerhouse with a multitude of health benefits. These small, vibrant berries are packed with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Blueberries are also rich in vitamin C, promoting immune system health, and vitamin K, contributing to bone health. Additionally, they provide dietary fiber, supporting digestive health and aiding in weight management. The compounds in blueberries have been linked to improved cognitive function, potentially reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline. Moreover, their natural sweetness makes them a healthy alternative to sugary snacks. Incorporating blueberry fruit into your diet can lead to enhanced antioxidant protection, better immune function, improved digestion and cognitive benefits.

Broccoli: whole plant

Broccoli, the whole plant, is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that offer a multitude of health benefits. It provides ample vitamin C for immune support and antioxidants for combatting oxidative stress, while its dietary fiber aids in digestion and weight management. Broccoli’s vitamin K and folate content contribute to bone health and overall vitality. Notably, its sulforaphane and glucosinolate compounds have been linked to cancer prevention and detoxification benefits. Incorporating whole broccoli plants into your diet can lead to improved immunity, enhanced digestion, cancer prevention, and overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen. So, don’t skip your vegetables!

Cranberry fruit

Cranberry fruit is a nutritionally rich berry with a variety of health benefits. These tart, red berries are well-known for their role in urinary tract health.  This is because they contain compounds that may help prevent and manage urinary tract infections.  They prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining. Cranberries are also packed with antioxidant benefits, particularly flavonoids and vitamin C, which help combat oxidative stress, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They are a good source of dietary fiber, supporting digestive health and aiding in weight management. Moreover, cranberries have been associated with improved heart health by promoting healthy cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure. Incorporating cranberry fruit into your diet can lead to enhanced urinary tract health, better immune function, potential cardiovascular benefits, and overall well-being, making them a valuable addition to what your are already doing.

Kale: whole plant

Kale, the whole plant, is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It provides ample vitamin K for bone health and vitamin C for immune support, along with dietary fiber for digestion and weight management. Kale’s high antioxidant content, including carotenoids and flavonoids, may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.  Glucosinolates offer cancer prevention benefits. It is also a good source of minerals like calcium for bone health and potassium for heart health. Incorporating whole kale plants into your diet can lead to improved bone health, enhanced immune function, cancer prevention, and overall well-being, all things I get your would like!

Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate fruit is a nutritional powerhouse with a multitude of health benefits. These vibrant red seeds are full of antioxidants, particularly punicalagins and anthocyanins  These potent warriors help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Pomegranates are also rich in vitamin C, promoting immune system health, and vitamin K, contributing to bone health. Additionally, they provide dietary fiber, supporting digestive health and aiding in weight management. The high content of polyphenols in pomegranates is associated with improved heart health, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Moreover, pomegranate seeds contain unique compounds, like punicalagins, which may have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Incorporating pomegranate fruit into your diet can lead to enhanced antioxidant protection, better heart health, improved digestion, and overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Raspberry fruit

Raspberry fruit is a nutritionally rich berry with a variety of health benefits. These vibrant red or black berries contain tons of antioxidant benefits.  The most common are anthocyanins and quercetin, which help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Raspberries are also a good source of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health, aiding in weight management, and improving blood sugar control. They provide essential vitamins like vitamin C, which supports the immune system, and vitamin K, contributing to bone health. Moreover, raspberries contain various minerals, including manganese and potassium, which are important for overall vitality. Their polyphenols, such as ellagic acid, have cancer-fighting properties. Incorporating raspberry fruit into your diet can lead to enhanced antioxidant protection, better heart health and improved digestion.

Spinach: whole plant

Spinach, the whole plant, is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It provides ample vitamin K for bone health and vitamin A for eye health and immune support, along with dietary fiber for digestion and weight management. Spinach’s high antioxidant content, including lutein and zeaxanthin, may support eye health, while its iron content aids in red blood cell formation and overall vitality. Incorporating whole spinach plants into your diet can lead to improved bone health, enhanced immune function, stronger eyes,and a happier and healthier you.


Protease, an essential enzyme, plays a pivotal role in the digestive system and offers various health benefits. It is responsible for breaking down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.  This allows for their absorption and utilization in the body. This enzymatic action aids in efficient digestion and can alleviate symptoms of indigestion, such as bloating and discomfort, making it valuable for digestive health. Beyond digestion, protease may also have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, as it can help break down immune complexes and reduce inflammation. Moreover, protease enzymes are sometimes used as supplements to support muscle recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and promote overall well-being. Incorporating protease into your diet or as a supplement can lead to improved digestion, reduced inflammation, immune support, and more vitality.


Amylase is crucial digestive enzyme.  It plays a fundamental role in breaking down carbohydrates into simpler sugars for absorption and energy production. Produced in the salivary glands and pancreas, amylase initiates the digestion process in the mouth and continues in the small intestine. This enzymatic action supports efficient carbohydrate metabolism and can alleviate symptoms of carbohydrate malabsorption.  For example, bloating and gas are common results of malabsorption. Moreover, amylase supplementation is sometimes used to aid in the digestion of complex carbohydrates, enhancing nutrient absorption. It also plays a role in supporting blood sugar control, as it helps regulate the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Incorporating amylase into your diet or as a supplement can lead to improved carbohydrate digestion, reduced digestive discomfort,support for blood sugar management, and overall vitality, making it a valuable enzyme for maintaining optimal health and well-being.


Lipase, a vital digestive enzyme, plays a critical role in breaking down dietary fats (lipids) into smaller molecules such as fatty acids and glycerol.  These are easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Produced in the pancreas and small intestine, lipase supports efficient fat digestion and absorption, aiding in the overall absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. This enzymatic action promotes digestive comfort and can alleviate symptoms of fat malabsorption, such as diarrhea and steatorrhea. Lipase supplements are sometimes used to support the digestion of high-fat meals or to assist individuals with conditions that affect fat absorption, like cystic fibrosis or pancreatic insufficiency. Incorporating lipase into your diet or as a supplement can lead to improved fat digestion, reduced digestive discomfort and better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E.

B. Laterosporus

Bacillus laterosporus, a beneficial probiotic strain, offers various health benefits when introduced into the gut. This probiotic bacterium can help maintain a healthy microbial balance in the intestinal tract.  It does this in two ways.  First, by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and second, by promoting the growth of beneficial ones. It contributes to digestive health by assisting in the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients, reducing symptoms of digestive discomfort like bloating and gas. Additionally, B. laterosporus may support immune function by modulating the gut’s immune response.  This enhances the body’s ability to defend against pathogens that come through the mouth. Incorporating B. laterosporus as a probiotic supplement can lead to improved gut health, reduced digestive issues, immune support, and overall well-being, making it a must -have for your health.

L. Reuteri

You’ve likely never heard of it.  But Lactobacillus reuteri is a beneficial probiotic strain, offering a range of health benefits when introduced into the gut. This probiotic bacterium plays a pivotal role in maintaining a balanced microbial community in the intestines.  It does this by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and promoting the growth of beneficial ones. L. reuteri contributes to digestive health by aiding in the breakdown of food, supporting nutrient absorption, and alleviating symptoms of digestive discomfort like bloating and gas.

It also interacts with the gut-brain axis and may have positive effects on mood and emotional well-being. Additionally, L. reuteri may help support the immune system.  It regulates immune responses and enhances the body’s ability to defend against pathogens. Incorporating L. reuteri as a probiotic supplement can enhance gut health, alleviate digestive issues, contribute to emotional well-being, bolster the immune system, and support overall health, rendering it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional plan.

Decaffeinated Green Tea Leaf

Decaffeinated green tea leaf offers a multitude of health benefits without the stimulating effects of caffeine. It is a rich source of powerful antioxdiant benefits from a family of nutrients called catechins.  Of note is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which have been associated with various positive health outcomes. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and may lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Green tea is also known for its potential in supporting weight management by boosting metabolism and aiding in fat oxidation.

Moreover, it can promote cognitive health and may have neuroprotective properties, reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline. Decaffeinated green tea leaf is a gentle source of these healthful compounds, making it suitable for individuals sensitive to caffeine. Integrating decaffeinated green tea into your dietary habits can result in heightened antioxidant defense, advantages in weight management, cognitive enhancement, and an overall sense of well-being.  These benefits underscore its value as a beneficial component of a well-rounded nutrition program.

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf

Ginkgo biloba leaf, often used in the form of an herbal supplement, offers a variety of health benefits. This ancient plant has been studied for its role in supporting cognitive function, particularly memory and mental clarity. It is believed to enhance blood flow to the brain, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to brain cells. Ginkgo biloba is also known for its antioxidant properties, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, it may promote better circulation, alleviating symptoms of conditions like intermittent claudication and enhancing overall cardiovascular health. Some studies suggest that ginkgo biloba may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Incorporating ginkgo biloba leaf into your diet or as a supplement leads to cognitive support, better circulation and reduced oxidative stress.  So, you’re healthier and happier!

Ginger Root

Ginger root, a versatile and flavorful spice, offers a range of health benefits. It is known for its ability to alleviate digestive discomfort, such as nausea, bloating, and indigestion, making it valuable for digestive health. Ginger’s natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, lowering the risk of chronic diseases. It is also believed to support immune function and may help the body fight off infections. Moreover, ginger has been studied for its ability to reduce muscle pain and soreness.  Thus, it is a popular choice for athletes and individuals with exercise-related discomfort. Incorporating ginger root into your diet or as a supplement can lead to improved digestive health, reduced inflammation, immune support and pain relief.  I’m betting you would like to have these benefits.


Inositol, often considered part of the B-vitamin complex, is a versatile nutrient that offers a range of health benefits. It plays a crucial role in the structure of cell membranes and is involved in various cellular processes, including signal transduction and neurotransmitter function. Inositol has been studied for its ability to support mental health and mood regulation, particularly in individuals with conditions like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. It may also aid in reducing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by improving insulin sensitivity and ovarian function. Inositol has shown promise in supporting cognitive function and may have a positive impact on memory and concentration. Additionally, it can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote overall just a healthier you.


Boron, a trace mineral, offers several health benefits. While some experts say it is not an essential nutrient, research suggests that boron plays a role in various physiological processes. It is believed to support bone health by promoting calcium absorption and retention, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Boron may also aid in joint health by reducing inflammation and relieving symptoms of conditions like osteoarthritis. Additionally, it may help regulate hormonal balance by influencing the metabolism of sex hormones.  This can help one manage conditions like menopause and prostate health. Boron has also been shown to improved cognitive function and brain health. Although further research will help us fully understand its mechanisms, incorporating boron-rich foods or boron supplements into your diet can lead to bone and joint health benefits, hormonal balance support, cognitive improvements, and overall well-being.  Thus, it is a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Turmeric root

Turmeric root, with its potent compound curcumin, offers a multitude of health benefits. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, curcumin can help reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Turmeric may also support digestive health, aiding in the breakdown of fats and reducing indigestion. Additionally, curcumin has shown promise in enhancing cognitive function, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and contributing to mood regulation. Incorporating turmeric root into your diet or as a supplement can lead to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, improved digestion and cognitive support.  In other words, turmeric helps you live a longer and better life.

Ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon, also known as “true” cinnamon, offers a variety of  health benefits. It is especially known for its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels.  The way in which it does this, is by enhancing insulin sensitivity and improving the body’s glucose metabolism. Ceylon cinnamon is also rich in antioxidant benefits.  The most abundant are polyphenols, which can combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It has anti-inflammatory properties and may alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis. Additionally, it may support heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. Some studies suggest that Ceylon cinnamon may aid in weight management by helping to control appetite and reduce cravings. Incorporating Ceylon cinnamon into your diet can lead to blood sugar regulation, antioxidant benefits, reduced inflammation, heart health support, weight management benefits, and overall well-being.  Start taking ceylon right away!

Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract is derived from the seeds of grapes and contains a variety of bioactive compounds.  Each of these has its own health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Grape seed extract has been studied for its capacity to support cardiovascular health. It improves blood vessel function and reduces high blood pressure. It may also contribute to the management of blood sugar levels.

Thus, it is particularly valuable for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. Moreover, grape seed extract promotes skin health by protecting against UV radiation damage and reducing signs of aging. Some studies show that is has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties as well. Many folks justify drinking red wine because it is a strong source of grape seed.  However, it is grape seed itself, not alcohol that provides all of these amazing benfits.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound found in the cells of the body, particularly in the mitochondria, where it plays a crucial role in energy production. CoQ10 also provides strong antioxidant benefits that help protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It is often used as a dietary supplement to support heart health.  This is because may improve blood vessel function, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart-related conditions.

CoQ10 has a positive impact on energy levels and can be beneficial for individuals with conditions that cause fatigue. Additionally, it may support brain health and cognitive function, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. CoQ10 supplements are also commonly used to alleviate side effects of medications that deplete CoQ10 levels, such as statins. Incorporating Coenzyme Q10 into your diet or as a supplement can lead to heart health benefits, improved energy levels, cognitive support, and overall well-being,which makes it something you ought to be adding to your diet.

Resveratrol from grapes

Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol found in grapes and other foods, offers a wide range of health benefits. It is well-known for its antioxidant properties, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Resveratrol has been extensively studied for its power to support heart health by improving blood vessel function, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy blood pressure levels. It may also contribute to cardiovascular health by reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

Additionally, resveratrol has anti-aging effects, extending lifespan by activating longevity genes and supporting cellular health. Some studies suggest that resveratrol may play a role in cancer prevention by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It has also shown promise in supporting brain health and cognitive function, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Incorporating resveratrol-rich foods like grapes or resveratrol supplements into your diet can lead to antioxidant benefits, improved heart health, anti-aging effects and cognitive support.  Like grape seed, it is the resveratrol from the grapes that is the concern here, not the resveratrol that also happens to be in some alcohols.

Rutin from black olives

Rutin, a bioflavonoid found in various plant foods, including black olives, offers several health benefits. It is known for its antioxidant properties, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Rutin may also support heart health by promoting healthy blood vessel function, reducing inflammation, and aiding in blood pressure regulation. Additionally, it may improve circulation by strengthening capillaries and reducing the risk of conditions like varicose veins. Rutin has been studied for its skill in managing symptoms of certain conditions, such as allergies, and may have anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover, it can contribute to skin health by protecting against UV radiation damage and reducing signs of aging. Incorporating rutin-rich foods like black olives into your diet or taking rutin supplements can lead to antioxidant benefits, improved heart health, better circulation, allergy relief, skin protection, and overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Lycopene from tomatoes

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red or pink fruits.  This powerful nutrient offers a range of health benefits. It is well-known for its ability to combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, particularly heart disease and certain cancers. Lycopene’s heart-protective properties include promoting healthy blood pressure levels, reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation, and supporting blood vessel function. It is also has anti-inflammatory effects, alleviating symptoms of inflammatory conditions. Lycopene is perhaps best well-known for its role in prostate health.  Some studies suggest it may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Additionally, it contributes to skin health by protecting against UV radiation damage and may have anti-aging effects. So, if you want antioxidant benefits, improved heart health, reduced cancer risk, skin protection, and anti-inflammatory all in one, then incorporate lycopene-rich foods like tomatoes into your diet starting today.

Lutein from marigold flowers

Lutein, a carotenoid antioxidant found in high concentrations in marigold flowers and various leafy green vegetables, offers several health benefits. It is most famous for its role in eye health.  This is particularly true in respect to reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Lutein accumulates in the macula, a part of the retina.  Here, it helps protect against oxidative damage caused by harmful blue light and free radicals.

Additionally, lutein may support cognitive function by reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. It is also has anti-inflammatory effects and may contribute to heart health by improving blood vessel function and reducing blood pressure. Lutein’s skin benefits include protection against UV radiation damage and reducing the signs of skin aging. Incorporating lutein-rich foods or lutein supplements into your diet can lead to eye health benefits, cognitive support, improved heart health, skin protection and anti-inflammatory effects.  Get lutein, but get it from marigold.

Zeaxanthin from marigold flowers

Zeaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment commonly found in marigold flowers, offers several health benefits, especially when it comes to eye health. Along with its close cousin lutein, zeaxanthin protects the eyes from oxidative damage.  This reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. These compounds accumulate in the macula, a part of the retina, where they act as natural sunscreens, absorbing harmful blue light and free radicals that can damage eye cells. Zeaxanthin also supports cognitive function by reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Additionally, it may contribute to heart health by improving blood vessel function and reducing blood pressure. Incorporating zeaxanthin-rich foods or zeaxanthin supplements into your diet can lead to eye health benefits, cognitive support, improved heart health, and overall well-being.  So, make zeaxanthin part of your regular intake.


Astaxanthin, also a potent carotenoid antioxidant, offers a broad spectrum of health benefits. Known for its exceptional ability to combat oxidative stress, it reduces the risk of chronic diseases.  It can help fight heart disease and even certain cancers. Astaxanthin stands out in eye health support, reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. It promotes skin health by guarding against UV radiation damage that contributes to signs of aging.  In addition, it contributes to cardiovascular health by improving blood vessel function, reduces inflammation, and supports healthy cholesterol levels. Astaxanthin enhances exercise performance and muscle recovery, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also aids cognitive function, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Incorporating astaxanthin-rich foods or supplements can lead to antioxidant benefits, improved heart health, exercise performance, cognitive support, skin protection, and overall well-being.  These advantages make it a valuable addition to a balanced nutritional regimen.

Vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 from b. lichenformis

Vitamin K2 as menaquinone-9, derived from B. licheniformis, is an essential nutrient.  It plays a pivotal role in various physiological processes within the body. Plus, it is particularly important for bone health as it helps regulate calcium metabolism.  It directs calcium away from arterial walls and into bones and teeth. This action can contribute to stronger bones, reduced risk of osteoporosis, and better dental health. Vitamin K2 also supports cardiovascular health by preventing calcium buildup in blood vessels.  This significantly reduces the risk of arterial calcification and heart disease. Moreover, it plays a role in supporting cognitive function and may have anti-inflammatory effects, benefiting overall well-being. Incorporating vitamin K2 as menaquinone-9 into your diet or as a supplement can lead to bone health benefits, cardiovascular support, cognitive enhancement, anti-inflammatory effects, and simply a better and healthier you.

A Recap

This is an exhaustive list for sure, but that’s why they’re all in one formula.  Can you imagine trying to take all of these separately?  Even getting all of these nutrients from food everyday is simply impossible.  Combining all of these nutrients into one pill gives you all of the vitamins you should take as well as many other beneficial nutrients.