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Brain Health

Nutrition and Brain Health

In a very real way you are your brain.  Think about it….If you lost any other body part, you would still be you, but not if you lose your mind.  Since the brain is responsible for all the feelings, thoughts and actions that make us human, it really is YOU.1  We worry about our stomach, liver, intestines, prostate and so on, as we should, yet it is easy to neglect our brain health.  Consequently, they need “food” too.  But to function at their best, it is essential to provide that for them.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) IS Brain Health

Every cell in your body has a membrane made of fat and a little bit of protein, carbohydrates and cholesterol.  In fact, his membrane is a lot like the front door of your home.  It’s job is to keep good stuff in and bad stuff out.  It just so happens that in your brain cells, one of these fats (phospholipids), called phosphatidylserine (or PS), is the most common.2  Thus, if you always have enough PS, you always ensure maximum brain health.  In fact, PS is a natural memory booster, boosts focus and even improves athletic performance.3  

Fish Oil For the Best Brain Health

You may have already heard that fish oil is great for a lot of reasons.  Well, you are hearing right!  Fish oil, among other things, has been shown to be a great supplement to increase brain function and avoid disease.4  In fact, the DHA in fish oil works hand in hand with phosphatidylserine to strengthen cell membranes, especially in the brain.2  A phospholipid looks a bit like a mosquito larvae, only microscopic.  A head and a tail.  The tail portion is a fat.  When this fat is one that you find in fish oil, especially DHA, it improves brain function beyond having just any ‘ol fat.  Fish oil is food for your brain.

Ginkgo Biloba for More Brain Food

Ginkgo is one of the oldest living tree species. It has been touted as a brain health enhancer for years.  In brief, the benefit is thought to lie in its blood-thinning and antioxidant properties.  As your blood becomes thinner, it can more easily and effectively make its way into the tiny vessels of your brain, ensuring proper oxygenation as well as free radical destruction.  Studies have shown it to be both effective and ineffective.  Nonetheless, there are many folks who swear by it.  However, be cautious if you are taking any medications as ginkgo often interacts with them.  So make sure and check.5
