by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Exercise Wellness
An elliptical machine is a great tool for cardio but much less so for building muscle mass. They allow you to work out in a way that is easy on your joints and for some people, just more enjoyable than say jogging 5 miles. But specifically in regard to HIIT...
by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Health Education, Natural Solutions
1. What is monk fruit? Monk fruit is a fruit like any other but with a unique antioxidant. It contains a lot of water, some sugar, fiber and antioxidants 2. What is monk fruit sweetner? Monk fruit sweetener is simply sweetener that is derived from the fruit. ...
by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Exercise Wellness, Health Education, Natural Solutions, Nutrition and Society
I’m going to teach you some of the most basic concepts concerning diet and exercise and how you can incorporate these into a successful weight loss plan just for you. If you don’t get it the first time, by all means, read it again, or at least the parts you weren’t...
by Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA | | Health Education, Natural Solutions
What happens when you eat yogurt? Yogurt provides your body with some carbs, fats and protein. More notable however are the “good” bacteria we call probiotics. These bacteria are beneficial and essential for good health. Probiotics live in your...