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Food For Weightlifters Q&A

First things first: Is there ONE eating regime that is best for lifters? Or does it vary based on the individual? Not exactly.  There are some things every lifter needs but depending on their goals and natural build, there is some variability.  To be successful, food...

The Proprioceptive System

Your ability to sense where your body is in space and what it is doing is sometimes called body awareness.  The technical term is proprioception.  Having a good special awareness and balance means you are less likely to injure yourself.  Proprioception is a result of...

The 3 Best Benefits of Vitamin A

When you hear’ vitamin A’, it isn’t necessarily referring to a single vitamin.  The term actually refers to a family of similar compounds.  It is important in many processes in your body such as vision and immune function.  It is also essential in the growth of babies...