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Following a recent bout of vomiting, it’s crucial to select foods that are gentle on the stomach and easy to digest. Let’s explore a diverse range of fruits acknowledged for their mild and soothing properties, presenting them as excellent options for a diet tailored for post-vomiting recovery. Consider incorporating these fruits to eat after vomiting for a smoother and more comfortable recuperation.

  • Bananas for the Belly

Bananas are one of the best fruits after vomiting.  Not only are they a tasty fruit, but they are also known for being easy on the digestive system. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, a vital electrolyte that your body may have lost during vomiting. Potassium helps restore the balance of electrolytes, contributing to your overall recovery.

  • Soft Applesauce

Opting for plain, unsweetened applesauce without added spices or sugar is a smart choice. Applesauce provides a gentle texture and mild flavor, making it easy on the stomach. It’s also a good source of soluble fiber, which can be beneficial for digestive health.

  • Have a Pair of Pears?

Ripe, peeled, and sliced pears offer a sweet and delicate taste. Pears are not only easy to chew but also gentle on the stomach. They provide natural sugars and fiber, which can contribute to your energy levels and support digestive well-being.

  • Watermelon – Mostly Water of Course

With its high water content, watermelon is one of the best fruits to eat after vomiting.  It is not only hydrating but also refreshing. The mild flavor and soft texture of watermelon make it a soothing choice. Additionally, watermelon contains vitamins and antioxidants that can contribute to overall health.

  • Another Good Post Vomit Melon is Cantaloupe

Like watermelon, cantaloupe is hydrating and generally well-tolerated by sensitive stomachs. Sliced cantaloupe provides a refreshing and mildly sweet option that can be part of your recovery diet. It’s rich in vitamins A and C, which are essential for immune function.

  • Can I eat Mango After Vomitting?

Mangos are also a good choice of fruits to eat after vomiting.  Opt for ripe and peeled slices to add a burst of flavor to your post-vomiting diet. Mangoes are not only delicious but also relatively easy to digest. They contain vitamins and minerals that can contribute to your nutritional intake as you recover.

  • Post-Puke Papaya

This tropical fruit contains enzymes, such as papain, known for their digestive properties. Sliced papaya can be a gentle addition to your post-vomiting diet, potentially aiding in the digestion of other foods. Papaya is rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, which can support your immune system.

More Helpful Information about Fruits to Eat After Vomitting

It’s important to start with small portions of these fruits and gradually reintroduce more foods as your stomach settles. Choosing fruits at room temperature can be beneficial, as very cold or hot foods might be harsh on your stomach. Nutritional strategies for managing nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea involve selecting foods that are gentle on the stomach and easy to digest. During bouts of nausea or vomiting, maintaining solid food intake can be challenging, and certain foods may exacerbate symptoms. If diarrhea is present, a carefully curated diet can assist in solidifying stools. While the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast) was once popular for addressing these issues, it’s now considered restrictive. The following guidelines provide a more comprehensive approach to dietary choices during these situations, offering a broader range of foods to consider.

Foods to Focus On

  1. Soft Fruits: Opt for easily digestible fruits like those mentioned above and canned fruits.  Preferably those packed in water, NOT heavy syrup.
  2. Steamed or Boiled Vegetables: Include carrots, green beans, potatoes, and squash in your diet for added nutrients.
  3. Low-Fiber Starches: Choose white bread, white rice, saltine crackers, cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, and noodles for easily digestible carbohydrates.
  4. Lean Proteins: Opt for unseasoned, skinless baked chicken or turkey, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and kefir to provide essential proteins.
  5. Drinks: Stay hydrated with bone broth, apple juice, coconut water, Pedialyte, and weak tea. Consider a homemade oral rehydration solution using clean or boiled water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Foods to Avoid

  1. Dairy Products: Steer clear of milk and dairy products for the first three days. Yogurt and kefir are exceptions.
  2. Fried, Fatty, Greasy, and Spicy Foods: Avoid these to prevent aggravating your stomach.
  3. Certain Meats: Skip pork, veal, salmon, and sardines temporarily.
  4. Raw Vegetables: Exclude raw vegetables such as parsnips, beets, sauerkraut, corn on the cob, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and onions.
  5. Citrus Fruits and Other Specific Fruits: Citrus are not good fruits to eat after vomiting.  Avoid pineapples, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tomatoes, cherries, grapes, figs, raisins, and seeded berries.
  6. Temperature-Sensitive Beverages: Stay away from extremely hot or cold drinks, including alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated sodas.
  7. Added Sugars and Sweets: Eliminate candies, sodas, and most juices containing added sugars.

Additional Tips

  • Opt for liquids with some sugar and salt, like Pedialyte or apple juice with a pinch of salt, to prevent dehydration.
  • Allow yourself adequate rest and avoid exertion to facilitate recovery.
  • Consult your healthcare provider about medications.
  • If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or if clear liquids cannot be retained, seek immediate medical attention.

Here’s a Sample Diet to Work Back to “Normal” Food

First Six Hours: After vomiting ceases, give your stomach a break. Start with hard candy or popsicles (avoid chewing), then progress to ice chips or sips of water if nausea persists.

First 24 Hours (Day One): Gradually reintroduce clear liquids if vomiting has stopped. Begin with small sips every ten minutes, including water, apple juice, electrolyte beverages, weak tea, Jell-O, or clear broth. If symptoms return, abstain from oral intake for an hour or so.

Day Two: Incorporate bland, low-fat foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, crackers, cooked cereals, toast, jelly, yogurt, cooked carrots, and chicken or turkey. Consume small meals every few hours.

Day Three: Advance to a “regular” diet if symptoms improve. Continue with small, frequent meals. If symptoms persist, maintain focus on bland foods from the recommended list.