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Pangamic acid, also known as Vitamin B15 or pangamate, lacks official recognition as a vitamin. Nonetheless, it is a supplementary compound with great potential health benefits such as:

  • Enhancing oxygenation of the heart, brain, and various organs.
  • Assisting in managing eczema and psoriasis conditions.
  • Alleviating nerve and joint discomfort.
  • Enhancing exercise endurance.
  • Mitigating asthma symptoms.
  • Combating premature aging and the harm caused by free radicals.
  • Safeguarding the liver against the impact of alcohol and other hepatotoxins.
  • Supporting the body’s inherent detoxification processes.
  • Shielding cells from the effects of air pollution.
  • Boosting the immune system.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Contributing to hormone equilibrium

vitamin b15What Does Vitamin B15 Do?

Cholesterol Control

Elevated cholesterol levels constitute a significant risk factor for serious health complications.  Most notable are coronary heart disease, heart attacks, as well as liver and kidney ailments. Animal research indicates that vitamin B15 might effectively contribute to reducing cholesterol levels while concurrently exerting influence on crucial organs. Considering these findings, individuals who have received a cholesterol diagnosis might consider taking vitamin B15. Taking B15 could partner with regular exercise routines and the adoption of a balanced diet. By embracing this comprehensive approach, there’s potential to effectively regulate and maintain blood cholesterol levels within the desirable range.  This offers a proactive stance in mitigating potential health risks.

Slow Down Aging

Owing to the antioxidative attributes inherent in vitamin B15, it possesses the ability to decelerate the natural demise of healthy cells.  This further counteracts the detrimental influence of free radicals.  Free radicals precipitate aging while compromising the well-being of skin, hair, and vital organs. Vitamin B15, finds extensive application in Europe and various global regions for thwarting the onset of premature aging. You can ingest pangamic acid as a supplementary measure or use it in skincare products that contain the essence of apricots.  vitamin B15 holds the potential to foster the vitality of skin and hair, largely due to its anti-aging efficacy.

Improves Brain Health

Your brain requires a continuous and consistent supply of oxygen for it to function normally. The brain may enter a hypoxic or anoxic state of oxygen deficiency following the disruption of a constant supply of oxygen.  This could be due to an injury or certain medical disorders. A hypoxic state occurs when the brain receives just a portion of its needed oxygen supply.  A anoxic state occurs when it receives no oxygen. One animal study reported that vitamin B15 may promote oxidative processes in the body.  If so, it would help the body regain normal function when oxygen deficiency affects the brain. The animals were subjected to oxygen deprivation at high altitudes, and pangamic acid helped restore normal bodily functions.

The Identity of Vitamin B15?

The compound known as pangamic acid assumes the moniker of vitamin B15. This substance was once purported to comprise D-gluconodimethyl aminoacetic acid. You will find it in apricot kernel seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, brewer’s yeast, and brown rice. Pangamic acid, is highly water-soluble and has robust antioxidant properties. Occasionally, Dimethylglycine (DMG) is suggested as an alternative to vitamin B15.  This is because it is believed to engage with gluconic acid to yield pangamic acid upon consumption. However, it’s crucial to differentiate between DMG and pangamic acid.  DMG is not banned in North America and is classified as vitamin B16, distinct from B15.

Is it Safe to Take?

The customary dosage range for vitamin B15 falls between 50 to 150 mg daily.There exists no recorded instances of detrimental effects associated with pangamic aci.  However, some users might encounter initial bouts of nausea. To mitigate this, it is advisable to consume the supplement with a meal, preferably the main meal of the day. Pangamic acid made its entry into the American nutritional market propelled by research undertaken by Soviet sports scientists.  There is relatively scant investigation within the United States. Contentious claims have emerged regarding pangamic acid’s potential efficacy in addressing diverse ailment.  These encompass cancer, alcoholism, heart disease, addiction, diabetes, and glandular and central nervous system disorders. Supplemental pangamic acid commercially available is predominantly comes from from apricot kernels. However, assessments by the FDA on several marketed products asserting the presence of vitamin B15 uncovered instances where there was none. The 1970s saw the prohibition of pangamic acid due to unsubstantiated assertions and mounting apprehensions about safety. Presently, vitamin B15 is accessible in the form of calcium pangamate across various regions, including Russia and Europe.

Top 10 Food Sources Of B-15

  1. Whole grains (e.g., wheat, barley, oats, rice)
  2. Nuts (e.g., almonds, peanuts, walnuts)
  3. Seeds (e.g., sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds)
  4. Legumes (e.g., beans, lentils, peas)
  5. Bran-containing cereals
  6. Brown rice
  7. Soy products (e.g., soybeans, tofu)
  8. Whole wheat products (e.g., bread, pasta)
  9. Corn
  10. Certain vegetables (e.g., spinach, Swiss chard)